Saturday, 22 December 2012

30 weeks pregnant & Diabetes

Well we are 30 weeks pregnant now, and been fighting a cold for over 2 weeks...

Pretty good, no heartburn lately and only gained 12 lbs during this pregnancy. No stretch marks!
I had the glucose test done December the results from my midwife 2 days later and had awful news! She told me it was the highest blood sugar levels shes ever seen in a pregnancy glucose test, and that it means I either have gestational diabetes or already had diabetes and may have to go on insulin and have a new doctor and may also mean possibly being induced before 40 weeks. Just when I thought everything has been smooth sailing. So after we hung up I balled my eyes out. I didn't handle it very well.

So then I had an appointment a few days later at the hospital with an Endocrinologist (diabetic specialist) and he was wonderful! He looked into the results and my past blood tests through life labs, seems my blood sugar has been through the roof before and all over the map so hes concerned. 
So turns out it is not gestational diabetes, but I am in fact a type 2 diabetic and have to be on insulin 5 times a day and test my blood when I wake up and after every meal. A huge lifestyle change and im taking it quite well. Other than my fingers don't bleed, only my poor baby pinky fingers do the trick. And the past couple days I still seem to be way over the level I should be after a meal. At least double. 

But other than that, we got the house almost somewhat in order with all the pump and bottles disenfected if I need those. Got newborn diapers and a little to go wipe pack for the diaper bag. Got a bassinet, a friend who has the stand for it I can buy, etc. For Christmas my father is buying a dresser from IKEA for our nursery:)

Pregnancy aches & Pains
Past week now ive got a pinched nerve in my right hip/butt, so that aches every step I take. And mid upper back and ribs ache, baby is getting bigger. It starts now...oh boy the joys of the 3rd trimester I hear so much about. I don't blame any pregnant women who complain from now on.
But I am sleeping wonderfully at night, and baby movement is regular and his feet come up to my upper sides/ribs, feels like I can almost hold those footsies right in my hand! I love it!
My belly is round and nice and cute and no stretch marks. 
So other than the aches and pains and diabetes, pregnancy is still a positive amazing experience!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

25 Weeks

I had a midwife appointmet yesterday afternoon...all is well!
I am now 25 weeks pregant this week. Turning 26 weeks this weekend...and turning 27 years old on Sunday! My original weight post pregnancy was 118lbs, and as of this week I am 125lbs. I was a little worried that I have only gained 7lbs but im told im fine.
Baby boy moves a ton! He has his head down, which is good. And I feel his butt and back pushing out sometimes on the left or right side of my belly button. Midwife told me my uterus is 24.5cm this week, and babys heart beat was 160. My blood pressure was all good. I was also told I have a sloping uterus, dont know what that means but okies!
Heart burn past week has started up again very off and on any minute of the day. Craving and loving apples and apple juice. The other night after we were in bed I was whining at Casey for an hour to drive me to Superstore to buy apple juice (i was craving it sooo bad)...finally after 10pm he jumps up and we get dressed to rush out to the store. Well....we get there and theyre sold out of the apple juice I wanted hahaha! But we thankfully found another kind of organic apple juice, before Casey was going to be upset over the whole thing...LOL
So I have been feeling pretty good, loving my belly!
Last week I went to bed and my ribs felt bruised! Laying on either one of my sides felt aching and bruised on both ribs and I was sooo uncomfortable...really hard to sleep!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

22 Weeks Pregnant!

We had our ultrasound on Oct 17th being 20 weeks pregnant.
Ultrasound was incredible, saw baby grabbing its feet, and holding its hand open pushing on its placenta!
Results came back that everything is great, midwife seemed impressed, its size is great etc. And we found out what we are having!!!! A Boy!!!

We are thrilled, I am so happy to have a boy. I feel so much love for him already. I had a feeling since the day, that I was having a boy. Even everyone else thought the same, maybe only 2 people said a girl.
And now I am feeling much more normal emotionally and eating wise. Im hungry alot more and can stomach most things now.
I do get heartburn at night now...husband bought a BIG bottle of tums, yay!
Fetal movement is incredible, regular, strong strong strong!
In good news today: I can now watch my baby move, not just feel it but can look at my belly and see baby kick on my right side all the time! i love it! Was so happy to tell my husband that when he got home today.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Fetal Movement & Emotions

Well this past week, especially the past few nights...have been baby dancing time!
I dont get heartburn, I dont eat spicy foods, I drink lots of milk, keep to one or two cups of coffee a week...and yet this baby is a gymnast already! I dont know where the energy comes from. But it feels fantastic!
Last night I could not sleep. Went to bed early but then woke up tossing and turning and wondering why the heck cant I sleep? Thinking its like 3am, I look at the clock and its only 11pm! I only slept a couple hours! So I got up and couldnt sleep all night til around 4am. Between was moving so incredibly strong I was almost short of breath and wanted to giggle like I had butterflies in my stomach.
Its a true miracle. A beautiful thing to feel. I could lay awake all night just smiling and feel this little human being really alive and growing inside me, my body creating this person who I will come to know and love and teach and learn with.
Everyday im feeling better.
I have to be honest, pregnancy can be a scarey ride. A confusing ride, that some of us dont admit. A time when we should be filled with glory, but are sometimes filled with terror and regret instead. Like this shouldnt be happening right now, and that it might not work out. I had some days of experiancing this as a crazy ride. Or if I was already stressed out over other issues, or was in a fight, having a hormonal emotional day I would end up finding solitutde sitting in the shower with my head between my knees. When there are already transitions in life aside from pregnancy, and life is lose sight of what you could be appreciating and what there is to be happy about.
I had some bad days. Ill be honest and open about it.
But now, its a whole new chapter. Now I daydream of what the future will bring. Now I embrace what I am going through. If I ever lost it, there would be a hole inside my soul with no heart to call home.
For now I will wait and embrace every little kick you give me.
You are my bright side every day...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Emergency visit at 18 weeks pregnant!

So not necessarily an emergency but I did get admitted
into ER just in case!
Because I am taking every precaution I feel the need to do so in this pregnancy! Over bearing mother instincts kicking in? I think so...!
I have round ligament pain, and was told IF I get sharp stabbing pains to go to emerg just as a precaution. So Thursday October 4th I woke up with sharp stabbing pains in my lower right side. So by noon I decided not to walk 15mins to my class, and instead go to the hospital just to check things out.
I got there by 1pm the latest maybe, got some blood work done and a urine test. and the doctor wheeled in a little ultrasound machine to find baby's heartbeat (all good!).
Then had to wait til 4:30pm for the hospital to get a technician in to get an ultrasound to see if everything else was alright. I had a good doctor. But how on earth does a hospital, and an emergency department NOT gave a ultrasound technician on staff at all times?! What if I was a patient with my appendix bursting? Not the easiest feeling going into a hospital where your pregnant uncomfortable, starving and they say "sorry you cant eat anything until after your ultrasound", well "whens that?"...nurse answers "not for another 4 hours"...WTF?!
There were 3 other young woman there in the waiting room who were also waiting for the technician and were there longer than me. They were great to talk to. One had pain in her lower right side and was told she may have an ectopic pregnancy (oh but you know no big deal its just emergency just sit awhile and chill out since there's NO technician! I cant believe our medical system!) The other girl had pain and a swollen stomach and hasn't been able to eat or keep down solid in 5 days!
By the time the technician was ready and the other girls went ahead, it was finally my turn at 5:30pm. the technician told me everything was fine, no signs of any abnormalities inside or outside the stomach, uterus etc. And then she printed a ton of pictures!
So then I thought I was good to go but nope had to wait til doctor actually receives the report from the technician. So by 6:30pm I said screw this I know I'm fine now and blood work and urinalysis came back fine. And my husband was getting hungry, tired and impatient so we left.
So round ligament pain isn't fun, some evenings I am hunched over walking slowly around like a little old lady with a hunch back HAHA
So all is good and its a relief to know nothing was wrong. Dont regret spending the day there just to make sure though.

19 weeks pregnant update:

Thursday October 11th, 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant!
Yesterday had my midwife appointment, my uterus is up to the belly button now and heart beat is great and my blood pressure is great. Signed out 2 dvds and a book on babies and stretching during pregnancy. Made my husband watch the dvds! Ha
Got a call from the midwife today, I have my RhoGAM shot and the bloodwork for gestational diabetes appointment at 8am on Dec 11th. Good thing its first thing in the morning! Ill be starving by the time thats over thats for sure!
I have been having alot of fetal movement, and I can feel it everyday! Today was the most amazing because when my husband got home from work and showered and we laid down to relax and was moving alot! (sorry no hanky panky hunny HA!) It was an incredible moment when the second he placed his hand on my belly the baby gave a good kick or something! Strongest WHAM feeling ive felt so far! On the lower right side. My husband said he completley felt it, like a kick to his finger! I find in the late afternoons when he gets home from work and I lay down with him I always feel a ton of movement more than any other time of day. Hope our baby keeps up that routine so that its happy to see daddy home!
Next week we have our second trimester ultrasound on Wednesday October 17th at 3:00pm! My husband will be taking that afternoon off work early to be present for it. And then we have our appointment with the midwife on October 22nd after work so we get to be told what the gender is!
We originally were not going to find out, but now that I have been only getting 5hrs a week at work and going to school, finances are tight and being prepared between now and then a little here and there to stalk up on baby clothes is a must! And we are so excited to find out!
There are pros & cons...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Opinions "BEFORE" birth

This is my "before labour" knowledge...what Ive been through so far and what ive learned.
My experiance from start til now in the second trimester is all new!
Symptoms week 1-16:
I thought morning sickness goes away by second hasnt! I still puke almost everyday or every second day, mostly just water before I actually get to eat breakfast.
Starting to get dizzy moments once in awhile. So far heart burn has come and gone about 3 times. Once when it was so bad and I felt so sick nothing stayed down.
The things I have learned so far during pregnancy that every woman should know.
Blood tests:
My blood work came back great including I have an immunity to Parvo.
Pregnant women who are not immune usually do not have serious complications after they are exposed to others with fifth disease. They usually have only mild illness. Also, their babies usually do not have any problems. However, sometimes a baby will develop severe anemia, and the woman may have a miscarriage. But, this is not common. It happens in less than 5% of all pregnant women with parvovirus B19 infection and more commonly during the first half of pregnancy.
Found out my blood type: A-Negative.
Not such a great thing as that means I am RH negative and my husband is a positive.
When Rh negative blood is exposed to Rh positive blood the Rh negative person begins producing antibodies to fight the invading blood. Antigens trigger your body to produce antibodies. Antibodies are usually a good thing and serve to protect a person from foreign invaders.
Now the problem lies when a pregnant woman is carrying a baby that is Rh positive. If the mother has antibodies to the Rh antigen, those antibodies can attack the baby's red blood cells. This can lead to complications to the baby including anemia, jaundice, and other blood related problems.
There is good news! Rh incompatibilities can be prevented and treated.
Part of the normal blood work up for the pregnant woman is testing for blood type and Rh factor. Her blood is also checked for the presence of Rh antibodies. If antibodies are present, the mother has already been exposed to RH positive blood at some point in her life and her body already has antibodies to the Rh factor. Treatment for Rh incompatibilities may be necessary.
Rh factor incompatibility can be prevented by administration of the RhoGAM shot. Because baby's blood does not usually mix with the mother's until birth, first pregnancies usually have no risk for problems to baby. During birth, bits of the baby's blood will mix with the mother's blood. The RhoGAM shot should be given within 72 hours of birth. This shot will stop the mother from developing antibodies to the Rh factor. Because there is a slight risk of placental tears during the later part of pregnancy, the RhoGAM shot is often given at 28 weeks of pregnancy as well.
So I have to have the RhoGAM shot. Good thing I have no fear of needles and blood work!
The thing that shocks me about this is only few of my friends have even heard of this! My inlaws never heard of this, and even some friends of ours have never heard of this!
Yet its SOOO important! eeek
Things I didnt expect:
Having so many people tell me silly things that symptoms mean...
like if you have heart burn your having a boy...FALSE! Every woman I know who had a girl had heart burn very extreme. And some with boys had it too. Does not mean your having a boy!
Or telling me what I should and should not eat, when im eating organic, sugar free foods(for the most part anyways)...vegatable pasta, organic yogurt(pasturized, and no gelatin in it!)

Love this organic yogurt...yes its pasturized, and has no gelatin yay! Dont wanna eat bones.
I didnt expect I would grow belly fuzz as much as I have already!
I have been using Bio Oil on a daily basis as soon as we found out we were pregnant.
Hope it helps or works great!!
I expected at appx 6months along I would need to start wearing looser pants and would start showing, but at 15 weeks my lulu pants are not comfy anymore, so ive bought a different pair with a drawstring I can have up over my tummy or folded over.
I highly suggest these as before during and after pants! Great for maternity! Yes $110 after taxes but last yrs through all stages of pregnancy, a great investment! Very comfortable and I use them for work as well.
The stroller we plan on getting: Britax B-Agile!
Watch it on youtube! Great features and its only 17lbs!
All the things I lets hope that these things are great as they seem!
 We got our imfant car seat! Chicco key Fit 30.
Its compatible with the Britax.
And here are a few more great products ive used during child care...there is so much out there im glad ive been able to use some of these products to know and understand whats great and useful.
The SKIP HOP splash bottle drying rack...holds the brush in the middle, love it! And easy to clean!


Thursday, 6 September 2012

Work, School, Marriage & Pregnancy!

So now that the summer is over,
and wedding planning and wedding itself is over...
I embark on the rest of my life!!!
Which has come with alot of changes and alot of adjustments, alot of surprises!
As we had to move, have a wedding, a surprise pregnancy, work and school...
Oh September!
While wedding planning, we also had to pack and move because our lease was up at our 1bdrm suite. It was a small place and not near any public transit for me. As I do not have a drivers licence STILL...I need to be on a bus route. Had enough of spending so much money on cabs all the time.
So among the planning and the work etc had to find a place and pack and move by August 1st. We were incredibly lucky to find the first place we actually physically went to look at! A 2bdrm/2bath ground floor corner unit condo! Right within walking distance to EVERYTHING! And our fantastic new landlord also offered for us to move in 2 weeks early for rent free! Just to take some of the stress off instead of moving 10 days before our wedding day, it gave us almost a month to settle in before the big wedding day. 
We finally have a garborator, I cant tell you how amazing that thing is!
The night before moving day we were suspecting we may be I was 2weeks late, and also the time before that was a week late and barely a cycle at all. Thought maybe its with so much going on, its putting my body and system out of whack.
So took a home pregnancy test and positive!!! Didn't have to lift a thing moving!
So we went to bed in a daze but very happy.
Now...first it was a little hard to get all excited about it because we miscarried back in 2008. It really devastated us even though we didn't recognise it right away. It wasn't until we had a rough patch and separated for a few months in 2010...that it was something we talked about again. And man oh man when we did we both cried a river. My husband didn't express alot of emotions in 2008 when it happened. It was kind of a blur. But during our split, it all came out. We spent quite some time as friends and working through all the pain we silently endured as individuals. Explored ourselves emotionally on a whole new level. Incredible. It may have been what brought us closer again.
So with this pregnancy my tummy has got itchy alot, using bio oil and noticing hair around my belly button haha and my leg hairs grow faster than weeds! I am thinking of waxing instead of shaving cuz this is just torture!
Morning sickness isn't too too bad, it comes and goes. I sleep ok at night, not as tired during the day as I was in the beginning. Other than I still pee alot during the night, I wake up feeling like omg im going to explode I cant move! Ha
Things I now HATE:
1) Very sensitive to bread...I swear I tossed lots thinking its mouldy, if it doesn't taste fresh out of an oven I cant eat it. Other than that I love bread...from Cobbs!
2) The smell of the BBQ, and charcoal black burnt on my meat yuk!
3) Extra old cheddar (was my fav not no more)
4) Not a fan no more of hot coffee, only ice capps
5) the smell of meat cooking, smell of noodles cooking, smell of mushrooms cooking...
6) Smell of raw meat in a butcher shop
7) Mayonnaise
Things I now LOVE
1) Iced Tea!!
2) Fish & Chips with coleslaw and tarter sauce
3) Hot dogs from Orange Julius only
4) BLT bagels from tim hortons, half mayo tho
5) Chai tea
6) Slurpees & Ice capps
7) Apple sauce
We heard the heart beat at our second midwife appointment, then saw the baby at our first ultrasound August 8th ...we were 10 weeks and 3 days along, Due March 4th 2013.
Now at first this all of a sudden hit me like a ton of bricks and with pregnancy hormones I was happy and excited one day, then an emotional mess the next, with anxiety of all the changes and feeling like I had to be so much more than I am. Felt low self esteem, like how can I be a house wife when all I do now is sleep or puke I don't wanna cook or clean. All of a sudden my husband became a wife and I became anything but! Thank goodness for him, hes amazing!
Most women feel this way and feel ashamed, but most important is to talk about it! Everything feels the same on some levels. At the same time it feels like you go from a relationship to a marriage and its like going from having something breakable you can recycle it and replace to a marriage where it becomes a rare valuable piece of crystal or a one of a kind diamond, and if you drop it or lose it...its a big deal! There's no turning back! You treasure and cherish this one thing, and the thought of anything ever damaging it or losing it causes so much anxiety you can break down out of nowhere. You want it forever, never to lose it or have it break. You go from holding a piece of glass to holding a piece of crystal.
I cant dwell on the anxiety of now I have something so much more precious to maintain. I'm ready for it...just have hormones that make me over think and panic some moments.
I know I'm not the only one!
So far we agree to disagree if and when needed and are always looking after each other ha ha, and I give more back rubs, and he cooks more and likes to stay home. When I am emotional, he is my security blanket and my rock. He brings me water in the middle of the night, and sets the table for me at dinner and makes me feel special. Then once in awhile he does something I find 100% inconsiderate and selfish and all hell breaks loose in pregnant land (like putting raw chicken package in the kitchen garbage can with no gargabe bag in it)...but all is well! I have to hold aside the hormones and play it cool...
As I seem to only get part time work, and have alot of time on my hands...and during pregnancy I should stay focused on myself...I have enrolled in school!
Mondays and Wednesdays I take Biology 12 in the mornings. Tuesday and Thursdays I take Math in the afternoons. I am having a baby and now is the time, now or finish up my education so I have my pre-requisites for college! I need better marks and I need to refresh my pregnancy brain on basic skills again.
Then I work evenings and weekends whenever, it fluctuates on a weekly basis. Then Mat leave until I can end up going back for evenings a little earlier than expected.
So far after my first week of being back into school, it seems interesting and pretty easy so far, phew! Bought a new desk with a filing drawer and 2 drawers...need to get a chair and set up office in soon to be nursery, do focus on homework!
First semester before baby is due, ill be taking these 2 courses in class, then second semester when baby should arrive, ill be doing English 12 online from home, and Math in class Wednesday evenings while hubby stays home with baby.
I will need to invest in either a breast pump, or alot of formula. Hoping for a breast pump.
For the next 6 months...I am going to be busy!

Wedding over, Pregnancy begin!

Well our wedding was small simple and fantastic...didnt end up using any of the items in my vision, other than white spray painted cans with purple ribbon and wild flowers in them.
Got to borrow mini silver lanterns with tea lights in them for tables, black and white linen, and 140ft string of white mini lights from glowed beautifully at night!
Poor Casey, cooking in his suit waiting for us for the ceremony to start at 4:30pm, we didnt start til 5pm...happen right? We had to drive the malahat, pick up the flowers, make our own bouquets as fast as we could, get dressed, it got crazy!
My dress is destroyed sooooo dirty from dancing in the dust clouds all night infront of the oudoor stage. It was great to see my year and a half old nephew dancing to his grandpa (my daddy) Phil and teh band playing his original songs...not to mention my nephew ran dry of his odouls so he had Corono in his sippy cup. Dont judge! Wasnt me! He likes to party, he's got viking blood in him:)
And this is him as our ring bearer, which was adorable as he first walked to a guest in the chairs...tries to hand her the pillow with rings on it. He was looking for someone else to take it haha. Eventually throws it on the ground, holds his arm up like "hooray" then looks serious to everyone and says "uh ohh"...he was adorable!

We did a non denominational ceremony, followed by a handfasting ceremony by my father, who also did it for my brothers wedding 2yrs ago as well. A great old tradition that goes way back.
Then its symbolic to sip some Mead, an alcoholic drink. Thats when he only put a couple drops in mine and lots in Caseys cup. And announced there's a baby on the way. Which surprised some of Caseys family!
We found out on July 12th, the day before moving day, that we were pregnant! I was late, and feeling like as a precaution (so I dont lift anything heavy during moving weekend) took a home pregnancy test just in case. And it was positive!
I still have that stick saved in my bathroom cabinet...does anyone else do that?
So we had our ultrasound on August 8th, great heart beat, everything looks well. We were told 10 weeks and 3 days, Due March 4th! And then our wedding was on August 11th and luckily my dress still fit! PHEW!!
Wedding was great, asides from the fact my dad got too drunk, had too much fun, and fell dancing and realized the next day he broke his hand/wrist and he is still in a cast!
Food was awesome! Other than it attracted alot of wasps which stung my husbands finger, but hes not allergic...his brother is though. (I married the strong one! hehe)
Everyone was happy, beautiful, and enjoyed themselves!
We had 3 beer kegs...all of which ran dry, alot of my husbands friends got held upside down drinking out of the keg, priceless! Like high school, but legal LOL Wish I got pictures of that.
Here are a few pictures friends took. We didnt have the money for a we had friends take pictures whenever they wanted and we hope to gather them up from everyone. My bridesmaid took some personal shots she still has to put on a disc from her great camera.
My father walking me down the aisle.

My dad doing the handfasting ceremony with us.

And kiss the bride!
We are now Mr & Mrs Bachynski!
Saturday August 11th 2012

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Wedding Vision Sneak Peak

Planning a wedding...
...can be stressful no matter what you try to do!
I am so shy with the idea that anyone will be looking at me on my wedding day! I don't want the attention...yet I want to see those I love to be there. Its like swimming in the ocean but you don't want to get wet, its like climbing a ladder when you are petrified of heights!!
Ive gone to weddings that had maybe 70 guests minimum...and I thought THAT was a big wedding!
Here we are trying to have a small intimate informal outdoor forest camping bbq wedding (there should be another name for that one HAHA) and yet here we are with already around 70 people on our list! Yes we love you all!!! Its a must that you are all to be there to celebrate with us. But its incredible how it all adds up...
Makes me wonder how someone like Ellen DeGeneres only had 30 guests at her wedding?

Here are some of my personal tastes in what I would like to have at my wedding...

 Going to make these, its like 3 with one stone...they are gifts, thank you cards...and we will have guests names on them as place cards so that they know where to sit and they wont blow away in the wind outside.

 This gives a great personal touch with decor and the natural elements with the outdoor rustic flair.

These Jars are a fantastic inexpensive creative way to light outdoors!

                           And here below is my collage of my vision:)

An outdoor informal forest camping wedding...a wedding back to basics. I cant wait!!
To enjoy an amazing day that is a milestone in our journey together.

1st Blog! ...May long weekend...

This is my first blog!
I have been up for hours creating this, the layout, the font, the pictures...didnt know it was this much work. Now I am too tired to blog about anything, other than creating my blog.
How interesting can that be?

We had a good may long weekend camping trip for 2 nights, just me and my man. Other than a friend stayed the night on our last night. Which Casey and him drank a bottle of Jager between the two of them by the fire. By the time Casey came to bed he couldn't say the months of the year in order, to figure out how far along our friends wife is in her pregnancy he found out about that night.

Casey, "Ok so she is how far along...June, May...(silence)...oh oh no no that's not right! ...May, June, July, October, November!! Got it!" He counted very slowly and carefully that entire time too.

Me, "HAHAHAHAAHAH hunny NO NO NO! Your hilarious! You skipped August and September! What is wrong with you?! I love you, your silly".

And the next few mins was just pure laughter together and he head buts me to snuggle...silly man! But I love him! He had me laughing so hard it hurt and I almost peed the sleeping bag (not literally)...

Some pictures of the weekend...

We ate hot dogs, and enjoyed the owners at the camping property having their own fun making some big homemade chimney fires with stumps!

Now there are a few of these wizard carvings through out the trails and forest and along the river of SunnyDaze Campground...really neat!

And this is where we will be getting married! Thats right...we enjoyed our long weekend along the wizard campsite...the very spot we will stand in the shade along the river in August for our wedding ceremony! We were so happy to be there for our first camping trip of the year! And its a really special place to us!