Thursday, 24 May 2012

Wedding Vision Sneak Peak

Planning a wedding...
...can be stressful no matter what you try to do!
I am so shy with the idea that anyone will be looking at me on my wedding day! I don't want the attention...yet I want to see those I love to be there. Its like swimming in the ocean but you don't want to get wet, its like climbing a ladder when you are petrified of heights!!
Ive gone to weddings that had maybe 70 guests minimum...and I thought THAT was a big wedding!
Here we are trying to have a small intimate informal outdoor forest camping bbq wedding (there should be another name for that one HAHA) and yet here we are with already around 70 people on our list! Yes we love you all!!! Its a must that you are all to be there to celebrate with us. But its incredible how it all adds up...
Makes me wonder how someone like Ellen DeGeneres only had 30 guests at her wedding?

Here are some of my personal tastes in what I would like to have at my wedding...

 Going to make these, its like 3 with one stone...they are gifts, thank you cards...and we will have guests names on them as place cards so that they know where to sit and they wont blow away in the wind outside.

 This gives a great personal touch with decor and the natural elements with the outdoor rustic flair.

These Jars are a fantastic inexpensive creative way to light outdoors!

                           And here below is my collage of my vision:)

An outdoor informal forest camping wedding...a wedding back to basics. I cant wait!!
To enjoy an amazing day that is a milestone in our journey together.

1st Blog! ...May long weekend...

This is my first blog!
I have been up for hours creating this, the layout, the font, the pictures...didnt know it was this much work. Now I am too tired to blog about anything, other than creating my blog.
How interesting can that be?

We had a good may long weekend camping trip for 2 nights, just me and my man. Other than a friend stayed the night on our last night. Which Casey and him drank a bottle of Jager between the two of them by the fire. By the time Casey came to bed he couldn't say the months of the year in order, to figure out how far along our friends wife is in her pregnancy he found out about that night.

Casey, "Ok so she is how far along...June, May...(silence)...oh oh no no that's not right! ...May, June, July, October, November!! Got it!" He counted very slowly and carefully that entire time too.

Me, "HAHAHAHAAHAH hunny NO NO NO! Your hilarious! You skipped August and September! What is wrong with you?! I love you, your silly".

And the next few mins was just pure laughter together and he head buts me to snuggle...silly man! But I love him! He had me laughing so hard it hurt and I almost peed the sleeping bag (not literally)...

Some pictures of the weekend...

We ate hot dogs, and enjoyed the owners at the camping property having their own fun making some big homemade chimney fires with stumps!

Now there are a few of these wizard carvings through out the trails and forest and along the river of SunnyDaze Campground...really neat!

And this is where we will be getting married! Thats right...we enjoyed our long weekend along the wizard campsite...the very spot we will stand in the shade along the river in August for our wedding ceremony! We were so happy to be there for our first camping trip of the year! And its a really special place to us!