Wednesday, 21 November 2012

25 Weeks

I had a midwife appointmet yesterday afternoon...all is well!
I am now 25 weeks pregant this week. Turning 26 weeks this weekend...and turning 27 years old on Sunday! My original weight post pregnancy was 118lbs, and as of this week I am 125lbs. I was a little worried that I have only gained 7lbs but im told im fine.
Baby boy moves a ton! He has his head down, which is good. And I feel his butt and back pushing out sometimes on the left or right side of my belly button. Midwife told me my uterus is 24.5cm this week, and babys heart beat was 160. My blood pressure was all good. I was also told I have a sloping uterus, dont know what that means but okies!
Heart burn past week has started up again very off and on any minute of the day. Craving and loving apples and apple juice. The other night after we were in bed I was whining at Casey for an hour to drive me to Superstore to buy apple juice (i was craving it sooo bad)...finally after 10pm he jumps up and we get dressed to rush out to the store. Well....we get there and theyre sold out of the apple juice I wanted hahaha! But we thankfully found another kind of organic apple juice, before Casey was going to be upset over the whole thing...LOL
So I have been feeling pretty good, loving my belly!
Last week I went to bed and my ribs felt bruised! Laying on either one of my sides felt aching and bruised on both ribs and I was sooo uncomfortable...really hard to sleep!