Saturday 1 June 2013

Labor & Delivery February 18th 2013

Here is my Labor & Delivery story...
I was 37 weeks pregnant, and diabetes was monitored closely (was hospitalized for a couple days around 34 weeks along)...I was going to the hospital every week for ultrasounds, non stress tests and to see the endocrinologist. I was told if my body all of a sudden has no need for insulin, then it is an indication that the placenta is not fully functioning. With diabetes, the placenta apparently doesnt have a life span to 40 weeks full term. So I would have to be induced. And well...just a few days shy of 38 weeks that happened! Had to go in on Saturday Feb 16th to start the induction. Good thing too, because during a non stress test that afternoon his heart rate dropped significantly. Very scarey!
My induction, starting Saturday Feb 16th:
Induction method was Cervidil inserted at 3:45 pm. Tenderness and soreness with cramping started by 7pm. To describe it I would have to say felt like I rode a horse bareback and I was walking around sore down there...
Overnight I just told my husband to go home and rest while I tried to get some rest at the hospital. I was lucky I got my own little room to myself! But didnt get much sleep at all, it wasnt painful at all yet but just uncomfortable enough I couldnt sleep.
Sunday 10:45am...slow and sore! Showered, then slowly got up on the bed...and GOOSH water broke but with a POP feeling so painful I friggin yelled out in pain! It hurt SOOOO bad, and water just kept coming and coming. Then nurses came in and I was examined, only 2cm! And I wanted her hand to get out it hurt so bad! Then it was just immediate contractions and back labor!
Sunday 8:00pm, after intense back labor all day with contractions back to back and over lapping with barely any breaks, and throwing up...Im examined and only 3cm! So disappointing. I was using the gas mask the whole time which did nothing other than helped me work on breathing and keeping me quiet sounding like chewbacca from Star Wars...instead of a woman yelling at the top of her lungs!
I hated my nurse, she kept leaning against my bed with her fat ass in MY FACE and pulling on my IV! Didnt seem to matter how many times I yelled at her to GET OFF MY BED!!
I had my husband, my bestfriend Brittany and her mother Kelli with me the entire time. My husband holding my hand, giving me water with ice, passing me the gas mask etc. My bestfriend doing the same in shifts, and timing my contractions with an app on her iPhone, and her mother being my physical aid hard at work rubbing my back.
So at 8pm with no real progress...I had to have an epidural and be put on Oxytocin to move things along. At this point I was kind of thinking about the epidural as a good thing even though I was so dead against it! So then I was able to relax abit and it was great. My bestfriend and her mom went to get pizza they were starving. But then an hour after the epidural I was 7cm! And the epidural kept wearing off on my left side over and over again so it was painful still barely working I was right back in the gas mask!
I think it was around 1am that I was just about 10cm but had a lip on my cervix so pushed a little then had to wait.
4 or 5am I started pushing for over 3.5hrs...took so long because I could NOT feel or move my legs! Right when it was time to push the nurse topped up the epidural, fentanyl and whatever other pain medications she had me on...saying it was for pain management. But then I couldnt push I couldt lift either of my legs NOT even wiggle a toe!
Also the tip of his head was swelling and he was sideways, post exterier or something I was told. And after 3.5hrs of pushing I had a team of doctors and nurses come in and explain to me I may need a c-section.
Finally at that point I could feel some pressure and kept telling them I have pressure I dont want a c-section! I had the nurses help flip me over and get me on my knees and hold on to the head of the bed with pillows and push him so he would descend down enough for an "assisted delivery" with a vacume. So it was quick I was wheeled off to the OR and put on a table with my legs strapped in some things and I could not feel anything! This was gonna hurt they had to help me get him out so not only was I pushing on contractions but I couldnt stop because his heart rate stopped and everyone was yelling to PUSH and the doctor used every muscle she could to suck and pull him out. Then he was born at 9:02 am on Monday Feb 18th...not breathing!
He was surrounded and I watched one man go to a phone on the wall to call someone in immediately. I was being stitched up down there from a second degree tear, my husband was walking over near the table our baby was laid on and was trying to take pictures but he saw my expression and the vibe in the room and realized "Oh somethings wrong". Took them 3 minutes to get our baby breathing and he just let out little crying sounds, pretty quiet and sweet. What a relief! Ive never stared into space in horror like that before...I think I held my breath too along with him.
I got to have him on my chest for a moment then he was taken to the nursery to be monitored and for his blood sugars to be monitored til he was good enough to come with me that night into my room. We stayed in the hospital for 2 nights.
Here are some pictures!
Last picture of me pregnant! Saturday night Feb 16th

And out he comes! Cone head with a cone head haha

6lb 8oz 50cm

Hes alive and im relieved!

Daddy holding him

Me giving him his first bath he loved this part of it.

Looking at daddy taking a picture

Ready for the car ride home on Wednesday Feb 20th

Saturday 22 December 2012

30 weeks pregnant & Diabetes

Well we are 30 weeks pregnant now, and been fighting a cold for over 2 weeks...

Pretty good, no heartburn lately and only gained 12 lbs during this pregnancy. No stretch marks!
I had the glucose test done December the results from my midwife 2 days later and had awful news! She told me it was the highest blood sugar levels shes ever seen in a pregnancy glucose test, and that it means I either have gestational diabetes or already had diabetes and may have to go on insulin and have a new doctor and may also mean possibly being induced before 40 weeks. Just when I thought everything has been smooth sailing. So after we hung up I balled my eyes out. I didn't handle it very well.

So then I had an appointment a few days later at the hospital with an Endocrinologist (diabetic specialist) and he was wonderful! He looked into the results and my past blood tests through life labs, seems my blood sugar has been through the roof before and all over the map so hes concerned. 
So turns out it is not gestational diabetes, but I am in fact a type 2 diabetic and have to be on insulin 5 times a day and test my blood when I wake up and after every meal. A huge lifestyle change and im taking it quite well. Other than my fingers don't bleed, only my poor baby pinky fingers do the trick. And the past couple days I still seem to be way over the level I should be after a meal. At least double. 

But other than that, we got the house almost somewhat in order with all the pump and bottles disenfected if I need those. Got newborn diapers and a little to go wipe pack for the diaper bag. Got a bassinet, a friend who has the stand for it I can buy, etc. For Christmas my father is buying a dresser from IKEA for our nursery:)

Pregnancy aches & Pains
Past week now ive got a pinched nerve in my right hip/butt, so that aches every step I take. And mid upper back and ribs ache, baby is getting bigger. It starts now...oh boy the joys of the 3rd trimester I hear so much about. I don't blame any pregnant women who complain from now on.
But I am sleeping wonderfully at night, and baby movement is regular and his feet come up to my upper sides/ribs, feels like I can almost hold those footsies right in my hand! I love it!
My belly is round and nice and cute and no stretch marks. 
So other than the aches and pains and diabetes, pregnancy is still a positive amazing experience!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

25 Weeks

I had a midwife appointmet yesterday afternoon...all is well!
I am now 25 weeks pregant this week. Turning 26 weeks this weekend...and turning 27 years old on Sunday! My original weight post pregnancy was 118lbs, and as of this week I am 125lbs. I was a little worried that I have only gained 7lbs but im told im fine.
Baby boy moves a ton! He has his head down, which is good. And I feel his butt and back pushing out sometimes on the left or right side of my belly button. Midwife told me my uterus is 24.5cm this week, and babys heart beat was 160. My blood pressure was all good. I was also told I have a sloping uterus, dont know what that means but okies!
Heart burn past week has started up again very off and on any minute of the day. Craving and loving apples and apple juice. The other night after we were in bed I was whining at Casey for an hour to drive me to Superstore to buy apple juice (i was craving it sooo bad)...finally after 10pm he jumps up and we get dressed to rush out to the store. Well....we get there and theyre sold out of the apple juice I wanted hahaha! But we thankfully found another kind of organic apple juice, before Casey was going to be upset over the whole thing...LOL
So I have been feeling pretty good, loving my belly!
Last week I went to bed and my ribs felt bruised! Laying on either one of my sides felt aching and bruised on both ribs and I was sooo uncomfortable...really hard to sleep!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

22 Weeks Pregnant!

We had our ultrasound on Oct 17th being 20 weeks pregnant.
Ultrasound was incredible, saw baby grabbing its feet, and holding its hand open pushing on its placenta!
Results came back that everything is great, midwife seemed impressed, its size is great etc. And we found out what we are having!!!! A Boy!!!

We are thrilled, I am so happy to have a boy. I feel so much love for him already. I had a feeling since the day, that I was having a boy. Even everyone else thought the same, maybe only 2 people said a girl.
And now I am feeling much more normal emotionally and eating wise. Im hungry alot more and can stomach most things now.
I do get heartburn at night now...husband bought a BIG bottle of tums, yay!
Fetal movement is incredible, regular, strong strong strong!
In good news today: I can now watch my baby move, not just feel it but can look at my belly and see baby kick on my right side all the time! i love it! Was so happy to tell my husband that when he got home today.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Fetal Movement & Emotions

Well this past week, especially the past few nights...have been baby dancing time!
I dont get heartburn, I dont eat spicy foods, I drink lots of milk, keep to one or two cups of coffee a week...and yet this baby is a gymnast already! I dont know where the energy comes from. But it feels fantastic!
Last night I could not sleep. Went to bed early but then woke up tossing and turning and wondering why the heck cant I sleep? Thinking its like 3am, I look at the clock and its only 11pm! I only slept a couple hours! So I got up and couldnt sleep all night til around 4am. Between was moving so incredibly strong I was almost short of breath and wanted to giggle like I had butterflies in my stomach.
Its a true miracle. A beautiful thing to feel. I could lay awake all night just smiling and feel this little human being really alive and growing inside me, my body creating this person who I will come to know and love and teach and learn with.
Everyday im feeling better.
I have to be honest, pregnancy can be a scarey ride. A confusing ride, that some of us dont admit. A time when we should be filled with glory, but are sometimes filled with terror and regret instead. Like this shouldnt be happening right now, and that it might not work out. I had some days of experiancing this as a crazy ride. Or if I was already stressed out over other issues, or was in a fight, having a hormonal emotional day I would end up finding solitutde sitting in the shower with my head between my knees. When there are already transitions in life aside from pregnancy, and life is lose sight of what you could be appreciating and what there is to be happy about.
I had some bad days. Ill be honest and open about it.
But now, its a whole new chapter. Now I daydream of what the future will bring. Now I embrace what I am going through. If I ever lost it, there would be a hole inside my soul with no heart to call home.
For now I will wait and embrace every little kick you give me.
You are my bright side every day...

Thursday 11 October 2012

Emergency visit at 18 weeks pregnant!

So not necessarily an emergency but I did get admitted
into ER just in case!
Because I am taking every precaution I feel the need to do so in this pregnancy! Over bearing mother instincts kicking in? I think so...!
I have round ligament pain, and was told IF I get sharp stabbing pains to go to emerg just as a precaution. So Thursday October 4th I woke up with sharp stabbing pains in my lower right side. So by noon I decided not to walk 15mins to my class, and instead go to the hospital just to check things out.
I got there by 1pm the latest maybe, got some blood work done and a urine test. and the doctor wheeled in a little ultrasound machine to find baby's heartbeat (all good!).
Then had to wait til 4:30pm for the hospital to get a technician in to get an ultrasound to see if everything else was alright. I had a good doctor. But how on earth does a hospital, and an emergency department NOT gave a ultrasound technician on staff at all times?! What if I was a patient with my appendix bursting? Not the easiest feeling going into a hospital where your pregnant uncomfortable, starving and they say "sorry you cant eat anything until after your ultrasound", well "whens that?"...nurse answers "not for another 4 hours"...WTF?!
There were 3 other young woman there in the waiting room who were also waiting for the technician and were there longer than me. They were great to talk to. One had pain in her lower right side and was told she may have an ectopic pregnancy (oh but you know no big deal its just emergency just sit awhile and chill out since there's NO technician! I cant believe our medical system!) The other girl had pain and a swollen stomach and hasn't been able to eat or keep down solid in 5 days!
By the time the technician was ready and the other girls went ahead, it was finally my turn at 5:30pm. the technician told me everything was fine, no signs of any abnormalities inside or outside the stomach, uterus etc. And then she printed a ton of pictures!
So then I thought I was good to go but nope had to wait til doctor actually receives the report from the technician. So by 6:30pm I said screw this I know I'm fine now and blood work and urinalysis came back fine. And my husband was getting hungry, tired and impatient so we left.
So round ligament pain isn't fun, some evenings I am hunched over walking slowly around like a little old lady with a hunch back HAHA
So all is good and its a relief to know nothing was wrong. Dont regret spending the day there just to make sure though.

19 weeks pregnant update:

Thursday October 11th, 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant!
Yesterday had my midwife appointment, my uterus is up to the belly button now and heart beat is great and my blood pressure is great. Signed out 2 dvds and a book on babies and stretching during pregnancy. Made my husband watch the dvds! Ha
Got a call from the midwife today, I have my RhoGAM shot and the bloodwork for gestational diabetes appointment at 8am on Dec 11th. Good thing its first thing in the morning! Ill be starving by the time thats over thats for sure!
I have been having alot of fetal movement, and I can feel it everyday! Today was the most amazing because when my husband got home from work and showered and we laid down to relax and was moving alot! (sorry no hanky panky hunny HA!) It was an incredible moment when the second he placed his hand on my belly the baby gave a good kick or something! Strongest WHAM feeling ive felt so far! On the lower right side. My husband said he completley felt it, like a kick to his finger! I find in the late afternoons when he gets home from work and I lay down with him I always feel a ton of movement more than any other time of day. Hope our baby keeps up that routine so that its happy to see daddy home!
Next week we have our second trimester ultrasound on Wednesday October 17th at 3:00pm! My husband will be taking that afternoon off work early to be present for it. And then we have our appointment with the midwife on October 22nd after work so we get to be told what the gender is!
We originally were not going to find out, but now that I have been only getting 5hrs a week at work and going to school, finances are tight and being prepared between now and then a little here and there to stalk up on baby clothes is a must! And we are so excited to find out!
There are pros & cons...